Discover the charm and treasures of the Golden Island – cruise through its beautiful and diverse places, and visit its millennial monuments, museums and galleries…
The traditional hospitality and kindness of your hosts and the islanders in general will make your choice of accommodation the easiest task in the world. The Golden Island will win you over and you’ll be back again in no time…
Take advantage of the vicinity and accessibility of the Golden Island of Krk to explore its impressive history and heritage through breath-taking stories and curiosities that make it miraculous and mysterious at the same time. Or simply search for your favourite beach bursting with sounds, scents and colours…
Krk’s tourism owes its success largely to the island’s incredible culinary offer and the hospitality of local people. Make a toast with a glass of Vrbnik Žlahtina, and be sure to take some homemade brandy and dried figs as a farewell souvenir to remind you of the Golden Island.
Embark on a lifetime adventure and explore the Golden Island through its diverse outdoor offer. Revive your body and soul with numerous wellness programmes, and choose some of the many excursions to round off your holiday…
Experience the Golden Island of Krk through its impressive offer of cultural and entertainment events, leaning on the local tradition and bringing the best of the past and the present. Enjoy numerous outdoor events, discover the island’s stunning nature and spoil your palate at amazing food festivals.
Download our brochures, take a peek at our photo or video galleries and use our apps to help you get away and find your piece of heaven on our welcoming Golden Island – let the stories and pictures speak for themselves!
The easiest way to get to the island of Krk is by car over the Krk bridge, and by plane in the airport situated close to Omišalj. You can also arrive on the island by ferry from the island of Cres (Valbiska-Merag) and from Lopar on the island of Rab (Valbiska-Lopar).
Regular boat connections have not been operational for years, but thousands of tourists come to the island by means of their yachts or organized by larger ships.
All coastal towns have extremely well-regulated ports and marinas for the reception of all kinds of boats.
by car | |
by boat | |
by plane | |
by bus | |
Bus transport for each flight to Rijeka Airport is organized from/to Rijeka, Kraljevica and Omišalj.
Apart from transport provided by buses, you can also arrive at the airport of Rijeka by taxi or by rental car.
Arrival After landing, there is organized bus service of passengers to Omišalj, Kraljevica and Rijeka – Jelačić trg.
Departure Bus departs to Rijeka airport from Rijeka, Jelačić trg, 2 hours and 30 minutes before each flight. From Kraljevica (bus station on Jadranska magistrala) and Omišalj (bus station in the city center) bus departs approx. 2 hours before each flight, by prior reservation only.
Rijeka airport – the island of Krk – Omišalj
Najpovoljnija lokacija za odredišta na Jadranu |
Lak i jednostavan prilaz zračnoj luci |
Vrhunsko turističko područje s više od 100 hotela u krugu od 50 km |
Bez vršnih opterećenja i bez čekanja u zraku |
Operativan tijekom cijele godine |
Temperature:ljeto min.16 C, max 28 C/zima min. +3 C, max. 13C |
Brzo i učinkovito opsluživanje zrakoplova i putnika |
Mogućnost uvježbavanja posada zrakoplova |
Flights can be booked on the following web pages:
Rijeka airport is connected to numerous European destinations.
Destinations and flight schedule can be found at
Zračna luka Rijeka d.o.o.
Tel: 00385 99 525 89 11
Hamec 1
Even if the island of Krk is connected to the land by the Krk bridge, a good connection is also provided to the neighbouring islands of Cres, Lošinj and Rab.
That is, from the Valbiska ferry harbour throughout the year ferries depart on the route from Valbiska (on the island of Krk)-Merag (on the island of Cres) and Valbiska – Lopar (on the island of Rab). As the island of Cres is connected to the island of Lošinj by drawbridge, there is also a possibility of visiting and experiencing that island too.
Those ferry routes are provided by the Jadrolinija, a company set up for the maritime transport of passengers and cargo with a hundred year tradition. The company was founded on 20th January 1947. as the successor to a number of different companies owned by small shipowners for coastal navigation. Jadrolinija services greatly under the influence of tourism and its main tasks include connecting the islands to the mainland and maintaining a route along the coast on the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea.
You can find Jadrolinija’s schedule at
Thanks to its very beneficial geographical position and the proximity of most European countries, the island of Krk has excellent traffic connections. By car you can reach the island of Krk with just a few hours drive.
The Krk bridge has greatly alleviated the traffic connection. Construction work began in July 1976, and the bridge was opened for traffic on 19th July 1980. The bridge with its entrance is 1430 metres long. More specifically, the bridge is a concrete arch which stretches from the mainland to the small island of St. Marcus 390 metres long, and at the time of construction, it was the largest bridge of its kind in the world.
After opening, in first 20 years, 27,2 million vehicles have passed over it.
As well as by car, you can also reach the island of Krk by bus. The island is connected by regular Arriva bus routes.
The Arrivas’ schedule can be found at
The Croatian Automobile Club:
The Island of Krk Tourist Board
Trg sv. Kvirina 1, 51500 Krk
Tel. +385 51 221 359
Fax +385 51 222 336